Have you ever been in the middle of a storm? A hurricane? A flood? A ranging fire? When we talk about storms that is what comes to our minds. But storms could also be physical, mental, and or spiritual.
What is a storm? Per the Oxford dictionary a storm could be:
1. a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.
2. a tumultuous reaction; an uproar or controversy.
3. To move angrily or forcefully in a specified direction.
In the bible, a storm can be associated with the idea of a disaster, problems, and difficulties. It can also symbolize the power of God and his mighty presence. (Ps. 18:1-15; 29; Hab. 3:1-16). Darkness, lightning and thunder, and earthquake and fire manifest God's greatness.
If we look at a hurricane, we know that it is a very powerful storm that can cause a lot of destruction; materially speaking, but it can also cause emotional, mental, and physical pain, due to the loss of life and material possessions. As a hurricane spins, the force of the wind blows whatever is on its path violently. It can uproot trees and blow roofs off houses. The rain that the hurricane carries can cause floods, which also cause significant destruction. No matter how big the hurricane is, there is an area where there is no rain, the sun shines and there is calm. This area is the center of the hurricane, what is called the eye of the storm.
Throughout our life, we go through various types of storms. Many times, we face them alone and we feel that everyone in our life has abandoned us in our most difficult times. But the psalmist said: “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.” (Psalms 27:10).
Let’s explore a few cases in the bible where different persons/people were facing storms.
In the Old Testament:
During the time of Noah, the people had great wickedness and the thoughts of their heart were always evil to the point that it grieved God’s heart. God decided to destroy the people He had created along with all the animals on earth. But the love and mercy of God provided a solution for mankind to be safe from the wrath that was coming. Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Noah was to build an ark where anyone that repented from their wicked ways could enter and be safe. Unfortunately, the darkness, evil, corruption, and violence was so great on earth that no man was saved, except Noah, his wife, sons, and his sons’ wife. (Genesis 6:5-8, 11-13)
Today Christ represents that ark, so whoever comes to Christ will be safe from the wrath/storm that is coming.
In the New Testament:
In certain occasion, Jesus entered a ship/boat with his disciples, and being that He was tired, he went below to rest. A great tempest arose in the sea, so big that the ship was covered with the waves. The disciples feared for their lives. They ran to Jesus and awoke him, asking him to save them. When Jesus arose from where he was sleeping, he rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. The disciples had been with Jesus for some time now, they had seen the miracles Jesus performed, but they still didn’t know who He really was. “But the men marveled, saying, what manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!” (Mathew 8:23-27; Luke 8:22-25)
Many times, when we are in the midst of a storm, we become desperate, afraid, lose faith and forget who we serve, and that Jesus, King and Lord, is in control of everything. The Lord says, “be still and know that I’m God.”
There is another case in the bible where a woman was suffering from an issue of blood for 12 years. She was suffering a physical storm in her life and no one, not even the doctors could help her. She had spent all that she had on doctors, medicines, and treatment, to no avail (Luke 8:43).
She had heard of Jesus, and determined in her heart that if she only touched the hem of his garment she would be healed. But there were a lot of obstacles that she needed to overcome. There was a huge multitude of people that was surrounding Jesus. He was at the center of the crowd. The woman fought through the obstacles of people, and she pushed forward toward the center, toward Jesus, where she would find her healing, her peace, her calm and above all, her salvation. (Luke 8:44).
Maybe you are going through physical storms or mental storms in your life, and it seems that all you have tried has failed to alleviate your pain, your sorrows and no one can help you. Don’t worry and do not be afraid, there is hope and there is one that can help you. His name is Jesus!
Jesus is the center, the eye of the storm, if you will. So, when we are amid any storm, we do not lose faith, become desperate or afraid. Instead, we run to the center, to the eye of the storm, we run to Jesus, and we will find the calm, peace, and that ray of light we seek among all the darkness, corruption and violence that surround us.
Eye Of The Storm, Ryan Stevenson