Our Ministry
We are a family ministry passionate about serving God and touching the lives of others less fortunate for the glory of God. We believe in God the Father, the Son Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus is coming back for His beloved church and that one day, we will be reunited with Him forever.
This ministry started because our beloved mother and sister-in-law, both passed away due to cancer and as a way of honoring God first, and then them, we wanted to reach out to those in need to bring them hope.
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Our Services
We are reminded of the importance of giving and we devote our time to giving back to those in need. Here are some of the services we provide to our communities. ​
Cooking for the less fortunate
Donating cupcakes with motivational cards to Open Pantry and Soup Kitchens.
Sending Christian motivational cards to troubled teens, the elderly, veterans, the disabled, those in prison and hospitalized children.
Donating handmade crochet hats for cancer patients
Distributing food groceries to the elderly and families with children in need
Donating masks with motivational cards to the community
Donating clothing & household items to Goodwill Stores
Donating baskets with school supplies to schools in the community
Praying for others
Check out our calendar of events for more information.​
Groups we serve:
Cancer patients
Hospitalized kids
Incarcerated inmates
Troubled teens